SCMS Inc Bob Mayben 877-391-2650
Welcome. Call me..877-391-2650 or bobmayben-at-usa, dot, net
I am so glad you took the time to punch up my web page. I study, collect, store and RE store old broadcast stuff. My wife reminds me occasionally, that it's gotten way out of hand. I have many friends who have sent me pictures of old stuff, and I happily publish pictures of same on these pages. If you have some vintage pictures, I invite you to share with the world. I get about 750 hits a week on this site which has been up since 2001.
It all started at WCAS, 570 on your radio..
in a 1,000 watt radio station in Gadsden, Alabama. Well, for me, it did. My dad went to visit a business associate of his, who officed in the Pioneer Life Insurance Building in Gadsden. Luckily for me, this structure also housed, WCAS 570, a 1KW daytimer, (then).
I watched Doug Robertson through the tilted double pane window, as Doug played 45's on CB-100's, talked into an RCA 77D and it all plugged into a GATES SA-40. Right then and there, (history books have failed to note) I got the RADIO BUG! Since that day in 1957, that is all I have wanted to do, and since October 1963, thats about all I have done. This is about what I saw that faithful day...In the photo Chester Studdard sits at that console and mike. Check out that 78 rpm record in his hand.

Chester Studdard
The calls have been: WGWD 1946-1957, WCAS 1957-1960 , WAAX 1960 - today
WAAX Big WAAX "The Station You Hear Everywhere"
Here is what the control room looked like when I was there in the 70's. Pretty slick for a medium market station.
My sincere thanks to Carl Sampieri for the photo, and to Mike McDougald for building the studio and giving me a job.